Our Little Boy Starts Big School!

“Don’t let education get in the way of learning” – Oscar Wilde


When I started my campaign to secure Jenson a place at Victoria Education Centre to be honest I didn’t know exactly what I was fighting for. I just had a feeling that this was probably going to be the most important fight of my life…..
Continue reading Our Little Boy Starts Big School!

A Special Bond between Special Children

Being just 17 months apart in age, my sister Lucy and I were like best friends growing up. That has continued into our adulthood, and now, as grown-ups and mothers, this friendship is stronger than ever. Personality-wise, we are like chalk and cheese, but perhaps that’s why it works.
Continue reading A Special Bond between Special Children

My Mother’s Greatest Gift to me: Her love for my Disabled Son


This is a difficult blog to write because I am simply not sure that I can do justice to the subject of this narrative. It was a struggle to pick a suitable title, because the likes of ‘Supergran’ or ‘Great Granny’ simply seemed insufficient at embracing the magnitude of my message.

Continue reading My Mother’s Greatest Gift to me: Her love for my Disabled Son